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You can use add() method available for Criteria object to add restriction for a criteria query. Following is the example to add a restriction to return the records with salary is equal to 2000:

Criteria cr =session.createCriteria(Employee.class);
List results =cr.list();

Following are the few more examples covering different scenarios and can be used as per requirement:

Criteria cr =session.createCriteria(Employee.class);

// To get records having salary more than 2000

// To get records having salary less than 2000

// To get records having fistName starting with zara

// Case sensitive form of the above restriction.

// To get records having salary in between 1000 and 2000

// To check if the given property is null

// To check if the given property is not null

// To check if the given property is empty

// To check if the given property is not empty

You can create AND or OR conditions using LogicalExpression restrictions as follows:

Criteria cr =session.createCriteria(Employee.class);

Criterion salary"salary",2000);
Criterion name =Restrictions.ilike("firstNname","zara%");

// To get records matching with OR condistions
LogicalExpression orExp =Restrictions.or(salary, name);
cr.add( orExp );

// To get records matching with AND condistions
LogicalExpression andExp =Restrictions.and(salary, name);
cr.add( andExp );

List results =cr.list();

Though all the above conditions can be used directly with HQL as explained in previous tutorial.
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